Get answers to some of the most frequently asked questions – pertaining to how to access and receive your purchased digital downloads, payment options, and usage and licensing agreements for Full Armor Church Security material. If you do not find the answers to your questions here, please use our Contact Form to request contact from a Full Armor Church representative.
Frequently Asked Questions…
How do I access the downloads I purchase?
The Initial Download Page
There are a couple of ways to receive your purchased items after the checkout process. The first is to access the download on the landing page immediately following the placement of your order.
Once a payment has been accepted you will be instantly taken to the “Download Page.” In the diagram to the right you can see that the purchased download(s) can be accessed by simply clicking on the button under the download column.
Once selected, the download will automatically start. Upon completion you will be prompted you to either “open” or “save” the file. We suggest that you immediately save the file to an appropriate place on your computer.

The Secondary Email Link
The second way to access your download is by using the link(s) contained within Email you will receive shortly after the order has processed. This Email will come from Full Armor Church and is titled, “Your Full Armor Church Order Receipt”
Inside this email is a detailed listing of the items you recently purchased from Full Armor Church. You may simply click on the link for your purchased item under the column designated “Downloads.” This will immediately begin the download process. Once the file has been successfully downloaded to your device you will be prompted to either “open” or “save” the file. We suggest that you immediately save the file in the appropriate place on your computer.

The “My Accounts” Page on Our Website
Once you have completed your checkout process you can access your individual downloads using the “My Accounts” page on our website. Simply use the link at the top of our website titled, “My Accounts.”
The My Accounts page allows you to view your account information, your recent purchases, and access your downloads. Simply click on the download link to begin the download process.
Having trouble accessing your Download???
Don’t worry,… we can assist. Simply provide your name, date of purchase, and a number where you may be reached. A Full Armor Church representative will contact you to assist. CONTACT US

What if I don’t have a PayPal account or I want to pay using a credit card?
Not familiar with PayPal? No worries. You DO NOT need a PayPal account to complete a checkout through the PayPal portal associated with our store. Simply proceed to PayPal to complete your order and click on the second option, “Pay with debit or credit card.” That’s it!
Still concerned or have questions about how to complete a transaction? CONTACT US

How many times can I download my purchased item(s)?
Full Armor Church permits customers to access their purchased files through our website for 3 months from the date of sale. This allows you to access any updates or potential revisions for 90 days from the date or purchase. Even still, accounts are automatically set to restrict download limits to 8 per item. Customers wishing to request extensions or increased allotments should contact us using the CONTACT FORM.
What format are the files being purchased and can they be modified?
Full Armor Church files are created and contained in the Microsoft Word format. In addition, some of our guides and materials are provided in pdf. and Microsoft PowerPoint Show formats.
MAC users can easily merge our Word docs. into Pages and can still utilize the PowerPoint presentations.
Can I access or download the files to my tablet or mobile device?
The zipped files purchased may be accessible on mobile devices and tablets. However, it is suggested that users utilize a desktop or laptop computer to conduct the original download upon being purchased. This helps to avoid any errors or issues related to the limitations of some devices.
What are the copyright and licensing restrictions?
Can I modify the documents contained within my kit?
Full Armor Church permits customers to modify the unlocked forms contained within the kits purchased. This includes applying church logos and personal information for the organization under which the items were purchased. Our goal is to assist ministries in the development of their programs and only require that the Full Armor Church Copyrights remain visible and contained within the lower portion of the documents upon which they were originally placed.
That said, Full Armor Church material and files that are delivered in pdf. or PowerPoint formats are intentionally locked and may not be modified from the original format in which they were purchased.
Can I duplicate and make copies of the included forms and material?
We allow ministries to make unlimited copies of our material for the local congregation and ministry for which they were purchased. This includes our training handouts, guides, policy manuals, or individual forms and documents.
Can I move the digital files purchased from one computer to another?
You may transfer purchased files to any computer owned or operated under the name of the registered agent or ministry shown upon the original purchase receipt and/or account. This means you may move, save, share, or store the purchased files on staff computers, home computers, or any devices used and utilized by the ministry for which they were purchased.
Can I share Full Armor Church Material with other ministries and individuals outside of our church?
No. Full Armor Church licensing agreements do not permit ministries or individuals purchasing our material to duplicate, share, send electronically, publish, post, or provide to parties other than those directly associated with the ministry and congregation for which they were purchased. This includes the usage or broad sharing of material within denominational structures.
Confused…? Please feel free to contact us with any concerns and/or questions.
Can I use Full Armor Church material to conduct safety training for others?
No. Full Armor Church material may not be used to conduct any training, education, or presentations outside of the local congregation for which the material was purchased. This includes the making of any recordings, videos, digital media, or the sharing and publishing of Full Armor Church training material and content through electronic communication and/or the internet.
At this time, Full Armor Church does not offer an affiliate based program and our material may not be used to conduct commercial or non-commercial presentations – regardless of monetary gain.