1Jun 28, 2023
Church safety has become a growing concern in recent years due to increased violent incidents and property crimes occurring at places of worship. Congregants and visitors need to feel safe and secure while attending church, and the responsibility to ensure their safety falls on the church leadership. Today, more than ever, it's essential that churches [...]
2Oct 18, 2018
Safety policies and procedures serve as the backbone of any ministry's operations. Much like the foundational principles of our faith, which revolve around the Word of God, written policies offer clear guidance and enhance our efficiency. Without them, we expose ourselves to increased liability and lack the necessary tools to operate safely and effectively. Despite [...]
3Sep 8, 2018
Fostering safer environments where individuals can gather freely and nurture their faith lies at the core of our mission as the church. While we are fortunate to reside in a society governed by laws and supported by local emergency services, we must never lose sight of our moral and legal responsibility to safeguard the well-being [...]
4Jun 10, 2017
Every church should establish comprehensive child safety guidelines and procedures for their workers and volunteers. Once adopted, these protocols should be readily available, published, and accompanied by annual training sessions. Failing to implement adequate safety measures not only exposes your church to legal risks and litigation but also attracts potential offenders and predators into your [...]
5May 15, 2017
Proper Screening Practices are Key At Full Armor Church, our goal is to help ministries guard themselves from preventable harm and foreseeable risks and liability. It doesn’t matter how much you have done within a community, it only takes one incident to destroy years of productivity and tarnish your image and effectiveness. Background checks and [...]
6Apr 25, 2017
We Can Help......Is Your Church a SafePlace for Children? Churches should be safe places for children and their families to gather and encounter the love of Christ. Unfortunately, many of our sanctuaries aren't as safe as we would like to think. That's because sexual predators seek out locations in which children regularly gather and positions of trust can [...]
7Apr 4, 2017
What you need to know.... Youth and child-care programs are a vital part of every growing church. However, without proper safeguards in place, the children attending our churches can be easily exploited by those seeking to do them harm. Such occurrences can leave a long lasting impact on the lives of those affected and can greatly increase the risk of criminal [...]
8Mar 8, 2017
Is church security an option or a mandate? “Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers. Be shepherds of the church of God, which he bought with his own blood.” Acts 20:28 Many pastors are fully aware of the various threats and hazards facing our churches [...]
9Feb 2, 2017
“Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers. Be shepherds of the church of God, which he bought with his own blood.” Acts 20:28 Throughout His earthly ministry, Jesus exemplified care and compassion, attending not only to spiritual and eternal needs but also to the physical [...]