Our Safety Assessment Guide for Church Schools and Childcare Centers can help evaluate the effectiveness of your program and increase your emergency readiness.
Over the last several years, states have passed legislation addressing the need for greater security measures within our schools. These laws require safety planning, preparedness, and the implementation of additional safety measures for educational facilities. Although many private institutions operate under religious exemptions, they cannot remove themselves from the civil and criminal liability that comes from failing to comply with the intent or letter of the law.
We have put together this self-assessment tool to assist church leaders in identifying and implementing safety protocols, designed to lessen their risks and improve the overall safety of their private schools and childcare programs.
For additional resources, to assist in the development of written procedures and emergency guides, review our Emergency Response Kit for churches. This digital product contains fully customizable policy manuals and emergency response guides that can be used for Christian schools and childcare centers.
All Full Armor Church material is created using current law enforcement concepts in emergency management and incorporates critical incident response protocols. We are committed to providing churches with relevant material that is spiritually centered and tactically sound. We have taking the guess work out church safety.